Hohner Blokflavta 9531, Sopran, Nemški prijem, Telo Hruška, Ustnik Hruška, Dvodelna, Pakirana v plastičnem kovčku. Z desetletnimi izkušnjami in usposobljenimi mojstri oblikovalci in vodje izdelkov HOHNER nenehno stremijo k izboljšanju zvoka in igralnosti. Ta filozofija se odraža v plastičnih in lesenih blok flavtah. Številni začetni plastični modeli Hohner kljunastih flavt, so zelo priljubljeni v programih glasbenega izobraževanja po vsem svetu.
Material: Hruška
Specifikacije: Tuning: soprano
Specifikacije II: Fingering: German
Specifikacije III: Construction: 2-piece
Lastnosti: Material: dark pearwood, light pearwood, maple
Pribor: plastic hard case
Dodatni opis:
With decades of experience and skilled craftsmanship, HOHNER´s designing engineers and product managers continually strive for improvements in sound and playability.
This philosophy is reflected in our plastic plus our finely crafted wooden recorders. Many of our beginner plastic models in addition to the Musical Line are very popular in music education programs around the world.
item name Musica 9531
series Musica Line
tuning soprano
Material: Pearwood
Specifications: Tuning: soprano
Specifications II: Fingering: German
Specifications III: Construction: 2-piece
Features: Material: dark pearwood, light pearwood, maple
Accessories: plastic hard case