HOHNER 559/20 Blues Band C orglice


Šifra artikla: 3178 – EAN: 4009126075059 – Skupina: Ustne harmonike > Diatonične ustne harmonike > Ustne harmonike Enthusiast – Znamka: HOHNER HARMONICAS

2 in stock


Blues Band; Blues je neverjetno vsestranski in elektificirana zvrst glasbe. V ZDA obstajajo različni slogi, Anglija pa ima svojo blues sceno, irski folk pa ima tudi blues vplive, vendar; ali ima Blues irski vpliv? Kakorkoli, je blues znan in ljubljen po vsem svetu. Z Blues Band orglicami se lahko pridružite zabavi, se poigrate s priljubljenimi skladbami ali zabavate s prijatelji. Blues Band so orglice s katerimi se lahko brez problema prične vaša glasbena pot.

Tip: Diatonične orglice
Tonaliteta: C
Uglasitev: Richter
Jedro: ABS plastika, črno
Pokrov: Nerjaveče jeklo
Debelina plošče z jezički: 0.9 mm
Material plošče z jezički: Medenina
Število jezičkov: 20
Število odprtin: 10
Dolžina (cm): 10 cm / 3.9”
Specifikacije: Tonal range: 3 octaves

Dodatni opis:

Blues Band; Blues is an incredibly versatile and eclectic genre. There’s different styles throughout the US, the UK has its own blues scene, and Irish folk has bluesy influences as well – or does blues have Irish influences? Whichever came first, blues is known and loved around the globe. With the Blues Band, you can join the fun, play along to your favorites, or jam with friends. It’s the perfect first blues harmonica for a small budget.

Type: Diatonic
Key: C
Tuning: Richter
Comb: ABS Plastic, Black
Cover surface: Stainless Steel
Reed plate thickness: 0.9 mm
Reed plate surface: Brass
Number of Reeds: 20
Number of holes: 10
Length (cm): 10 cm / 3.9”
Specifications: Tonal range: 3 octaves