Marine Band Deluxe je v 21. stoletje prinesel neprimerljiv zvok originalne blues ustne harmonike. Z vključitvijo oblikovnih izboljšav, ki optimizirajo rokovanje in zagotavljajo večjo glasnost in hitrejši odziv, so znova iznašli legendarno harmoniko Marine Band, da ustreza zahtevam današnjih glasbenikov. Marine Band Deluxe je več kot le najsodobnejša nadgradnja referenčne diatonične ustne harmonike. Z Marine Band Deluxe boste oživeli blues!
Tip: Diatonične orglice
Tonaliteta: E
Uglasitev: Richter
Jedro: Leseno – hruška
Pokrov: Nerjaveče jeklo
Debelina plošče z jezički: 0.9 mm
Material plošče z jezički: Medenina
Število jezičkov: 20
Število odprtin: 10
Dolžina (cm): 10 cm / 3.9”
Dodatni opis:
Marine Band Deluxe, brought the incomparable sound of the original blues harmonica into the 21st century. By incorporating design improvements which optimize handling and ensure greater volume and faster response, reinvented the legendary Marine Band harmonica to meet the requirements of today's musicians. The Marine Band Deluxe is more than just a state of the art upgrade to our benchmark diatonic harp. It's the rediscovery of deep emotions, the awakening of forgotten spirits, the revival of hidden energies. With the Marine Band Deluxe, you'll bring the blues to life!
Type: Diatonic
Key: E
Tuning: Richter
Comb: Pearwood
Cover surface: Stainless Steel
Reed plate thickness: 0.9 mm
Reed plate surface: Brass
Number of Reeds: 20
Number of holes: 10
Length (cm): 10 cm / 3.9”