
GITANO Guitar SUPPORT pručka za kitaro

Original price was: 41,05 €.Current price is: 39,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 536528 – EAN: 2110000014834 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Kitarska stojala – Znamka: VESTON

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Gitano, opora za kitaro, ki vam bo zamenjala navadno kitarsko pručko, enostaven za uporabo in hrambo, lahko je tudi vedno priterjena na inštrument.

Če igraš klasično kitaro potem veš, da je pravilna drža zelo pomembna za igranje in tvojo hrbtenico.
Z Gitano Support, ki nadomesti klasično kitarsko pručko, tako sediš bolj sproščeno, kitara pa je v pravilnem položaju.
Gitano Support se na kitaro pritrdi enostavno z vakumskimi priseski. (Če imaš klasično kitaro z open pore lakiranjem, pa je priložena folija za boljši oprijem).

Zaradi svojega designa je Gitano Support lahko ves čas nameščen na kitari, tako lahko z igranjem pričneš takoj!

Barva: Črna
Specifikacije: Light metal support with 3 suction cups and non-slip fabric tape collapsible
Specifikacije II: Can remain on the instrument
Specifikacije III: Easily be transported in any guitar case
Lastnosti: Not suitable for instruments with rough (open porous) surface and cellulose lacquer

Dodatni opis:

Gitano, a guitar support that will replace a regular guitar stool, easy to use and store, can also always be attached to the instrument.

If you play classical guitar, then you know that correct posture is very important for playing and your spine. With the Gitano Support, which replaces the classic guitar stick, you sit more relaxed and the guitar is in the correct position.

Gitano Support is easily attached to the guitar with vacuum cups. (If you have a classical guitar with open pore lacquering, a foil is included for a better grip). Due to its design, the Gitano Support can be installed on the guitar all the time, so you can start playing right away!

Color: Black
Specifications: Light metal support with 3 suction cups and non-slip fabric tape collapsible
Specifications II: Can remain on the instrument
Specifications III: Easily be transported in any guitar case
Features: Not suitable for instruments with rough (open porous) surface and cellulose lacquer