
GHS R+EJL 10-50 strune za električno kitaro

Original price was: 9,40 €.Current price is: 6,58 €.

Šifra artikla: 2369 – EAN: 737681700027 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za električno kitaro > 010 strune za električno kitaro – Znamka: GHS

2 in stock


GHS R+EJL, komplet strun za električno kitaro 10-50, komplet napravljen in sestavljen po zahtevah ter željah legendarnega kitarista Eric Johnsona, ki slovi po svojem specifičnem zvoku.

GHS Nickel Rockers are special. Since 1964, Nickel Rockers™ have provided discriminating guitarists with the Pure Nickel sound of original rock n' roll and the warm tones of blues and jazz. The unique GHS rollerwinding process slightly flattens the strings for a smooth, comfortable feel with a "touch" of extra tension.

Debelina strun: 010 – 050
Prevlečene: Ne
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String gauge: 010, 013, 018, 026, 038, 050
Specifikacije II: Pure Nickel
Specifikacije III: Roller Wound
Lastnosti: Round Core

Dodatni opis:

GHS Nickel Rockers are special. Since 1964, Nickel Rockers™ have provided discriminating guitarists with the Pure Nickel sound of original rock n' roll and the warm tones of blues and jazz. The unique GHS rollerwinding process slightly flattens the strings for a smooth, comfortable feel with a "touch" of extra tension.

String Gauge: 010 – 050
Coated: No
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String gauge: 010, 013, 018, 026, 038, 050
Specifications II: Pure Nickel
Specifications III: Roller Wound
Features: Round Core