Ko obiščete koncert ali festival, želite uživati v glasbi, ne da bi pri tem izgubili sluh. Ušesni čepki Alpine PartyPlug so zasnovani posebej za zmanjšanje glasnosti glasbe na varne ravni, hkrati pa vam še vedno omogočajo uživanje v visoki kakovosti zvoka in komunikaciji s prijatelji.
Ušesne čepke PartyPlug lahko nosite ves dan (ali noč). Zaradi mehkega in prožnega termoplastičnega materiala se ušesni čep prilagodi vašemu ušesnemu kanalu. Poleg tega je material hipoalergen in brez silikonov, zato ne boste imeli nobenih nadležnih alergijskih reakcij ali srbečice.
Ušesne čepke PartyPlug lahko uporabite več kot 100-krat, tako da bodo zlahka zdržali celo festivalsko sezono. Bodite prijazni do svojih ušes in poskrbite, da boste lahko še dolgo uživali v svoji najljubši skupini ali DJ-ju.
Barva: Črna
Specifikacije: Music is reduced to a safe volume (noise reduction of (SNR) 19 dB)
Specifikacije II: Soft material for ultimate wearing comfort
Specifikacije III: Barely visible and can be worn over 100 times
Lastnosti: This product is ANSI and CE certified
Pribor: travelbox
Dodatni opis:
When you visit a concert or festival, you want to be able to enjoy the music without suffering hearing loss. Alpine PartyPlug earplugs are designed specifically to reduce the music volume to safe levels while still allowing you to enjoy high sound quality and communication with friends.
PartyPlug earplugs can be worn all day (or night). The soft and flexible thermoplastic material means the earplug moulds to your ear canal. Moreover, the material is hypoallergenic and free from silicones, so you won’t have any annoying allergic reactions or itching.
You can use the PartyPlug earplugs more than 100 times, so they will easily last an entire festival season. Be kind to your ears and make sure you can enjoy your favourite band or DJ for a long time.
Color: Black
Specifications: Music is reduced to a safe volume (noise reduction of (SNR) 19 dB)
Specifications II: Soft material for ultimate wearing comfort
Specifications III: Barely visible and can be worn over 100 times
Features: This product is ANSI and CE certified
Accessories: travelbox