Gemini ZRX-S18 BT, predstavvlja mojstrovino zvočne tehnologije, ki vašo zvočno izkušnjo dvigne na novo raven. Visokozmogljiv nizkotonec z aktivnim napajanjem in je opremljen z impresivnim 18" subom in 3-palčno zvočno tuljavo EISV, ki zmore tudi najzahtevnejše zvočne podvige.
Z največjo močjo 2400 W ZRX-S18 BT zagotavlja bogate, globoke nizke tone, ki izstopajo tudi v gneči, hkrati pa zagotavlja vrhunsko kakovost zvoka, ki jo obožujejo profesionalci. Ne glede na to, ali na velikih odrih ali v manjših prostorih, se ta sub zvočnik popolnoma prilagodi vsakemu okolju in vedno zagotavlja optimalen zvok.
Nizkotonec Gemini ponuja tudi edinstveno prilagodljivost, ki vam omogoča, da svoj zvok prilagodite svojim željam. S stikalom za obratno fazo in visokofrekvenčnim filtrom za sub lahko prilagodite popoln zvok za svojo lokacijo. Poleg tega digitalni omejevalnik signala in LED zaslon zagotavljata, da nizkotonec ostane nepoškodovan tudi med intenzivno uporabo.
Frekvenčni razpon: 35 – 150 Hz
Tip: Aktivni zvočnik
Tip zvočnika: Subwoofer
Nizkotonski: 18" membrana
Signalni vhod: Stereo XLR balanced inputs
Signalni izhod: Full-range stereo XLR balanced outputs, high-pass stereo XLR balanced outputs
Imenska upornost: 8 ohm
Izhodna moč ojačevalca (vrhunec): 2400W
Specifikacije: Class: D
Specifikacije II: Maximum Sound Pressure Level: 130 dB (peak) at 1 meter distance
Specifikacije III: Enclosure Material: MDF board
Lastnosti: Bluetooth and TWS Connectivity: Allows wireless streaming of music to your PA system and wireless co
Več lastnosti: Travel-Ready: With a pole mount and side handles, the subwoofer is easy to transport and set up. Add
Posebnosti: Individually Customizable: Thanks to the phase reverse switch and high-pass filter, the sound can be
Pribor: IEC Power Cable, WiredMic
Širina: 520mm
Višina: 637 mm
Globina: 600mm
Teža: 36.5 kg
Dodatni opis:
Let yourself be enveloped by the breathtaking sound of the Gemini ZRX-S18 BT, a masterpiece of audio technology that takes your sound experience to a new level. This high-performance, actively powered subwoofer with front-firing design is equipped with an impressive 18-inch high-performance driver and a 3-inch EISV voice coil that can handle even the most demanding sound requirements.
With a peak power of 2400W, the ZRX-S18 BT delivers rich, deep bass that stands out even in crowded environments while providing the fine sound quality that professionals love. Whether on large stages or in smaller venues, this subwoofer adapts perfectly to any environment and always delivers optimal sound.
The Gemini subwoofer also offers unique adaptability that allows you to customize your sound to your liking. With the phase reverse switch and high-pass filter for the subwoofer, you can adjust the perfect sound for your location. Furthermore, the digital signal limiter and LED display ensure that the subwoofer remains undamaged even during intense use.
Frequency Response: 35 – 150 Hz
Type: Active Speaker
Speaker Type: Subwoofer
LF: 18" Cone
Signal Input: Stereo XLR balanced inputs
Signal Output: Full-range stereo XLR balanced outputs, high-pass stereo XLR balanced outputs
Nominal Impedance: 8 Ohm
Amplifier Output (Peak): 2400W
Specifications: Class: D
Specifications II: Maximum Sound Pressure Level: 130 dB (peak) at 1 meter distance
Specifications III: Enclosure Material: MDF board
Features: Bluetooth and TWS Connectivity: Allows wireless streaming of music to your PA system and wireless co
Features II: Travel-Ready: With a pole mount and side handles, the subwoofer is easy to transport and set up. Add
Features III: Individually Customizable: Thanks to the phase reverse switch and high-pass filter, the sound can be
Accessories: IEC Power Cable, WiredMic
Width: 520mm
Height: 637 mm
Depth: 600mm
Weight: 36.5 kg