MDJ-500, zasnovan z Gemini vodilno tehnologijo, združuje obilo profesionalnih funkcij v kompakten, vrhunski medijski predvajalnik. To je kot nalašč za vse, ki poskušajo prodreti v sodobno didžejanje, kot tudi za izkušene DJ-je, ki iščejo mobilno rešitev. Zahvaljujoč njegovemu intuitivnemu vmesniku boste porabili manj časa za dešifriranje in več časa za eksperimentiranje s 4 bližnjicami in 8 samodejnimi loopi. MDJ-500 ima prilagodljiv jog wheel, tako da lahko prilagodite upornost in poiščete občutek, ki je popoln za vas. Če iščete prehod za ustvarjanje mixov, ki je edinstvena za vas, je MDJ-500 najboljša izbira.
Kontrole: The 100mm pitch fader and adjustable pitch range from 4% to 100% let you mix with surgical precision
Frekvenčni razpon: 20 to 20.00 Hz
Premer: 5-inch high-resolution touch platter is perfect for the most demanding performance
Specifikacije: Sampling rate: 192kHz, 96kHz, 48kHz, 44,1kHz
Specifikacije II: Fully featured USB media player with 4.3-inch color screen, mobile waveform and onboard search and analysis
Specifikacije III: Manual and BPM-based auto looping makes it easy to build buildups or extend breaks
Lastnosti: 4 hot cues per track let you easily jump to the sample
Več lastnosti: Slip mode means you can use scratch or hot cues without ruining your mix
Posebnosti: Multiple record modes available, including reverse play, vinyl and stutter cue
Dolžina: 333mm
Širina: 304 mm
Višina: 114 mm
Teža: 3,3 kg
Dodatni opis:
Built with Gemini’s flagship technology, the MDJ-500 packs tons of professional features into a compact, cutting-edge media player. This is perfect for anyone that’s trying to break into modern DJing, as well as the experienced DJ that’s looking for a mobile solution. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you’ll spend less time deciphering and more time experimenting with 4 hot cues and 8 auto loops. The MDJ-500 has a customizable jog wheel so you can adjust the resistance to find the feel that’s perfect for you. If you’re looking for a gateway to craft a mix that’s uniquely yours, the MDJ-500 is the best bet.
Controls: The 100mm pitch fader and adjustable pitch range from 4% to 100% let you mix with surgical precision
Frequency Response: 20 to 20.00 Hz
Diameter: 5-inch high-resolution touch platter is perfect for the most demanding performance
Specifications: Sampling rate: 192kHz, 96kHz, 48kHz, 44,1kHz
Specifications II: Fully featured USB media player with 4.3-inch color screen, mobile waveform and onboard search and analysis
Specifications III: Manual and BPM-based auto looping makes it easy to build buildups or extend breaks
Features: 4 hot cues per track let you easily jump to the sample
Features II: Slip mode means you can use scratch or hot cues without ruining your mix
Features III: Multiple record modes available, including reverse play, vinyl and stutter cue
Length: 333mm
Width: 304 mm
Height: 114 mm
Weight: 3,3 kg