FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ ukulela poje in vas kot raziskovalca pošlje na pot gor in dol po celotnem vratu.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ bo delovni konj, ki bo prebrodil vse nevihte in vas zadržal, da boste lebdeli od navdušenja občinstva. To lepoto si spakirali v sopran ukulele, da stisnejo in osredotočijo najboljša sredstva instrumenta. Laminatni les sapele prinaša udarni sopran ukulele.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ ukulela z osupljivimi temnimi barvami, koncentriranimi v ta majhen dragulj obljubimo, ga ne boste želeli odložiti.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ ukuleli pripadata torbica in knjižica z akordi.
Ob nakupu Flight ukulele vam nudimo nakup pribora s 30% popustom (Pri naročilu vtipkajte kodo PRIBOR30)
Barva: Modra
Velikost ukulele: Sopran ukulele
Tip ukulele: Akustične ukulele
Zgornja plošča: Sapele
Širina sedelca: 35mm
Kobilica: Oreh
Lak: Mat
Specifikacije: Position Markers: 5th, 7th and 10th frets.
Specifikacije II: Back & Side: Laminate African Sapele
Lastnosti: Bone Nut and Saddle
Več lastnosti: Laser Engraved Rosette, Side Dots, Strap Button, Arched back
Pribor: Free padded gigbag and instructional booklet included!
Dodatni opis:
We recommend FTC77 Tuner, UPK300 Pick Pack and FUSSC-100 Strings with this ukulele
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ ukulele sings and sends you on a journey up and down the entirety of the fret board like a seasoned explorer.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ will be the workhorse that weathers all the storms and keeps you floating with adulation from your audience. We have packed that beauty into a soprano ukulele to compress and focus the best assets of the instrument. The laminate sapele wood brings out the percussive punch of a soprano ukulele.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ with the striking dark colors concentrated into this small gem, you won’t want to put it down.
FLIGHT NUS380 TOPAZ comes with bag and booklet.
Color: Blue
Body Style: Soprano Ukulele
Type: Acoustic Ukulele
Top: Sapele
Width at Nut: 35mm
Bridge: Walnut
Finish: Satin
Specifications: Position Markers: 5th, 7th and 10th frets.
Specifications II: Back & Side: Laminate African Sapele
Features: Bone Nut and Saddle
Features II: Laser Engraved Rosette, Side Dots, Strap Button, Arched back
Accessories: Free padded gigbag and instructional booklet included!