
FLIGHT FRW-115N lesena raglja

Original price was: 7,00 €.Current price is: 4,90 €.

Šifra artikla: FRW-115N – EAN: 3830054901834 – Skupina: Otroška glasbila > Posamezna otroška tolkala – Znamka: FLIGHT PERCUSSION

17 in stock

SKU: FRW-115N Categories: ,


Raglja je eno najstarejših glasbil, ki je pogosto med številnimi ljudstvi sveta. Z ragljo se igra na dva načina. Prva je, da ohišje raglje negibno držite in zasukate ročaj. V tem primeru dobimo tih zvok. Ko igramo na drug način, se raglja vrti okoli ročaja , pri čemer pridobiva oster in prodoren zvok.

Raglja je izdelana iz lesa. Raglja je preprost in enostavena za upravljanje in je primerna tudi za igre z otroki.



Sestava: les

Barva: naravna

Nega raglje: obrišite z mehko, suho krpo.

Načini igranja na ragljo:

1. držite nad glavo z iztegnjeno roko in jo zasukajte v ritmu glasbe

2. Raglja se drži v višini prsnega koša. Z ostrim gibom raglje zasukajte ročaj .

Dodatni opis:

The rattle is one of the oldest musical instruments, common among many peoples of the world. The ratchet is played in two ways. The first one is to hold the ratchet housing motionless and twist the handle. In this case, quiet chirring is obtained. When playing in the second way, the ratchet case with a strong swing is forced to rotate, extracting a sharp and piercing sound.

This model is made of wood and is a rectangular plate with recesses in which a gear is attached, attached to a convenient handle. The ratchet is simple and easy to handle, suitable for games with children.


Ratchet FLIGHT FRW-115N

Composition: wood

Color: natural

Packing: blister

Tool care: wipe with a soft, dry cloth.

Ways to play on the Ratchet:

1. The ratchet is held overhead on an outstretched arm and rotate it according to the tempo of the music.

2. The ratchet is kept at chest level. With a sharp brush movement, rotate the handle with the drum to a strong or weak beat.