FLIGHT FM8S zvončki


Šifra artikla: FM8S – EAN: 3830054901957 – Skupina: Otroška glasbila > Posamezna otroška tolkala – Znamka: FLIGHT PERCUSSION

58 in stock


Zvončki – tolkalni inštrument, so neke vrste ksilofon. To je serija kovinskih plošč, ki dajejo svetel in prodoren zvok. Glasbilo se lahko uporablja tako kot solo inštrument, kakor tudi v ansamblu ali orkestru!

Zvončki pomagajo razvijati otrokov posluh, občutek za ritem in nasploh se z njimi prepozna smisel za glasbo posameznika. Inštrument je preprost za igranje in uporabo.

Ta model ima 8 barvnih kovinskih ploščic, vsaka barva pomeni določen ton na inštrumentu

Tehnični podatki:

  • zvončki Flight
  • Sestava: kovina, les
  • zvončki (8) – 1 kos, palico – 2 kosa

Vzdrževanje: obrišite z mehko suho krpo.

Lastnosti: 8

Dodatni opis:

Bells – a percussion instrument, are a kind of xylophone. It is a series of metal plates that give a bright and penetrating sound. The instrument can be used both as a solo instrument as well as in an ensemble or orchestra!

Bells help to develop a child's hearing, sense of rhythm and, in general, they recognize the sense of an individual's music. The instrument is easy to play and use.

This model has 8 colored metal plates, each color means a specific tone on the instrument

Technical information:

Flight bells
Composition: metal, wood
bells (8) – 1 piece, stick – 2 pieces

Maintenance: Wipe with a soft dry cloth.

Features: 8