FLIGHT FC-RD kapodaster za ukuelele


Šifra artikla: 6072 – EAN: 3831120907668 – Skupina: Ukulele > Strune in pribor za ukulele > Pribor za ukulele – Znamka: FLIGHT ACCESSORIES

8 in stock


FLIGHT FC-RD, kapodaster za ukulele, ki omogoča lahko nastavitev in konstantno uglasitev v vseh položajih. Zaradi same izdelave in sistema kapodastra, ga je mogoče hitro in enostavno namestiti, tudi med samim izvajanjem pesmi.

Barva: Rdeča

Dodatni opis:

FLIGHT FC-RD, ukulele capodaster that allows easy adjustment and constant tuning in all positions. Due to the construction and the system of the capo, it can be installed quickly and easily, even during the performance of the song.

Color: Red