Ne glede na to, ali iščete svoj prvi ojačevalec za vadbo ali cenovno ugodno, zmogljivo odrsko opremo za igranje v bendu, je na voljo ojačevalec Champion II, ki je idealen za vas – enostaven za uporabo in dovolj vsestranski za vsak stil igranja kitare.
Champion II 100 prinaša svetovno znane Fender čiste in overdrive tone ter izbor britanskih in sodobnih distorzijskih okusov. Od jazza do countryja, bluesa do metala, enostavno je izbrati pravi zvok. Obstaja tudi vgrajena izbira efektov, vključno z reverb, delay/echo, chorus, tremolo, vibratone in več. Čase delovanja Delay efekta in hitrosti tremola lahko preprosto nastavite z gumbom TAP, da se ujemajo s tempom pesmi. Druge funkcije vključujejo pomožni vhod za preprosto povezavo z zunanjimi napravami, izhod za slušalke za zasebno vajo, vhod USB na zadnji plošči in še več. Priloženo je nožno stikalo z 2 gumboma.
Oblika ojačevalca: Kombo
Tip ojačevalca: Tranzistorski
Predojačevalec: Tranzistorski
Končna stopnja: Tranzistorska
Moč ojačevalca: 100 W
Vhodi: One – 1/4", 1/8" auxiliary input
Kanali: Dvo-kanalni
Efekti: Digitalni DSP efekti
Zanka za efekte: Da
Zvočniki: Two – 12" Fender® Special Design
Upornost zvočnika: 8 ohms
Stopalka: Nožno 2 stikala (priloženo)
Kontrole: Channel 1: Volume, Treble, Bass, FX Level, FX Select, TAP; Channel 2: Gain, Volume, Voice, Treble, M
Specifikacije: Different amp voicings and distortion types
Specifikacije II: Dual 12" Fender Special Design speakers
Specifikacije III: Cabinet Material 7-Ply 3/4" Medium-Density Fibreboard
Lastnosti: Amplifier Covering Black Textured Vinyl
Več lastnosti: 230V EUR Voltage Requirements 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Posebnosti: Grille Cloth Silver
Pribor: 2-Button Footswitch Included
Širina: 66 cm
Višina: 48.3 cm
Globina: 26.04 cm
Teža: 18.2 kg
Dodatni opis:
Whether you’re looking for your first practice amp, or affordable, powerful stage gear for playing in a band, there’s a Champion II amp that’s ideal for you—simple to use and versatile enough for any style of guitar playing.
Champion II 100 delivers world-renowned Fender clean and overdrive tones plus an assortment of British and modern distortion flavors. From jazz to country, blues to metal, it’s easy to dial up the right sound. There’s also a built-in effects selection including reverb, delay/echo, chorus, tremolo, Vibratone and more. Delay times and tremolo speeds can easily be set with the TAP button to match song tempos.
Other features include auxiliary input for easy connection to external devices, headphone output for private practice, rear-panel USB port and more. 2-Button Footswitch Included.
Amp Style: Combo
Amp Type: Solid State
Preamp: Solid-State
Power Amp: Solid-State
Wattage: 100 W
Inputs: One – 1/4", 1/8" auxiliary input
Channels: Two-Channel
Effects: Digital DSP Effects
Effects Loop: Yes
Speakers: Two – 12" Fender® Special Design
Speaker Impedance: 8 ohms
Footswitch: 2-Button Footswitch (included)
Controls: Channel 1: Volume, Treble, Bass, FX Level, FX Select, TAP; Channel 2: Gain, Volume, Voice, Treble, M
Specifications: Different amp voicings and distortion types
Specifications II: Dual 12" Fender Special Design speakers
Specifications III: Cabinet Material 7-Ply 3/4" Medium-Density Fibreboard
Features: Amplifier Covering Black Textured Vinyl
Features II: 230V EUR Voltage Requirements 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Features III: Grille Cloth Silver
Accessories: 2-Button Footswitch Included
Width: 66 cm
Height: 48.3 cm
Depth: 26.04 cm
Weight: 18.2 kg