
EVANS TT18HR Hydraulic Red 18˝ opna

Original price was: 33,68 €.Current price is: 32,00 €.

Šifra artikla: TT18HR – EAN: 019954213176 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Opne > Opne za tom – Znamka: EVANS

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Bobnaste opne serije Evans Hydraulic zagotavljajo globok in udaren zvok. Gre za klasičen bobnarski rock zvok iz zgodnjih sedemdesetih let. Izdelane iz dveh slojev, hidravlične opne znane po svoji enostavnosti uglaševanja, zaradi česar so idealna izbira za bobne ali bobnarje začetnike, ki iščejo takojšnje zvočno podobo.

Specifikacije: 18" drum head with a thin layer of oil between two plies of film to suppress unwanted overtones
Specifikacije II: Full-bodied, deep sound
Specifikacije III: For rock, fusion, live and studio
Lastnosti: Two plies offer consistency and durability for longer playing time
Več lastnosti: A fat, deep and short sound pioneered by early 70's rock and roll
Posebnosti: Exclusive Level 360 Technology collar design ensures proper contact between drum head and drum shell
Uporaba za: Tom
Premer: 18"
Serija: HR
Sloji: 2 sloja
Debelina: 7,5 mm
Površina: Prozorno
Barva: Rdeča
Zven: Kratek

Dodatni opis:

Evans Hydraulic series drumheads deliver deep, fat impact, without overhang. It's the classic drum sound of early-1970s rock. Constructed of two plies of thin film, Hydraulic heads are known for their ease of tuning, which makes them an ideal choice for problematic drums or novice drummers seeking instant sonic gratification. Outfit your kit with Evans Hydraulic heads, and your drums will deliver the short sustain, punchy attack, and pronounced bottom end that launched a thousand hit records.

Specifications: 18" drum head with a thin layer of oil between two plies of film to suppress unwanted overtones
Specifications II: Full-bodied, deep sound
Specifications III: For rock, fusion, live and studio
Features: Two plies offer consistency and durability for longer playing time
Features II: A fat, deep and short sound pioneered by early 70's rock and roll
Features III: Exclusive Level 360 Technology collar design ensures proper contact between drum head and drum shell
Use for:: Tom
Diameter: 18"
Series: HR
Ply: 2 Ply
Thicknes: 7.5 mil
Finish: Clear
Colour: Red
Sustain: Short