DABK ključ lahko uporabljamo z večino baterijskimi vijačniki in vrtalniki. Z električno vrtalko se ne priporoča, saj je hitrost tam prevelika.
Specifikacije: Drop-forged drill bit key, rattle-free design
Specifikacije II: Designed to fit most cordless drills and screwdrivers
Specifikacije III: Durable, ergonomic construction, designed in conjunction with Ned Steinberger
Dodatni opis:
Evans™ Drill Bit Key is designed to fit most variable speed cordless drills and screwdrivers. Like the drum key, the bit key has a rattle-free design and is drop-forged.
Specifications: Drop-forged drill bit key, rattle-free design
Specifications II: Designed to fit most cordless drills and screwdrivers
Specifications III: Durable, ergonomic construction, designed in conjunction with Ned Steinberger