
EVANS BD24GB3 EQ3 Clear 24˝ opna za bas boben

Original price was: 75,79 €.Current price is: 72,00 €.

Šifra artikla: BD24GB3 – EAN: 019954500689 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Opne > Opne za bas – Znamka: EVANS

2 in stock

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Evans ™ EQ3 ™ vsebuje dva sloja 6,5-mil filma in zagotavlja nadzorovan zvok in odzivnost. Zaradi njegove artikulacije in vzdržljivosti je EQ3 še posebej primeren za igranje v živo in se pri močnem udarcu na boben, ne bo dosegel popačenega zvoka.

Uporaba za: Bas boben
Premer: 24"
Serija: EQ3
Sloji: 2 sloja
Debelina: 7,5 mm
Površina: Prozorno
Barva: Prozorna

Dodatni opis:

For over 60 years, Evans has been an innovator in drumhead manufacturing and design. As the creator of the first synthetic drumhead and other revolutionary products such as EMAD, Hydraulics, and the UV1 series, Evans drumheads are designed with the intent of solving problems for drummers. Regarded for high quality and consistency all Evans drumheads are made in the USA and feature Level 360 Technology.

Evans™ EQ3™ series features two plies of 6.5mil film and provides a controlled low-end rumble and focused attack. Its articulation and endurance make the EQ3 especially suitable for live playing and will not distort under heavy hitting.

Use for:: Bass Drum
Diameter: 24"
Series: EQ3
Ply: 2 Ply
Thicknes: 7.5 mil
Finish: Clear
Colour: Transparent