
ERNIE BALL P06391 4.5m mikrofonski kabel

Original price was: 29,47 €.Current price is: 28,00 €.

Šifra artikla: P06391 – EAN: 749699110521 – Skupina: Kabli in konektorji > Narejeni kabli > Mikrofonski kabli – Znamka: ERNIE BALL

12 in stock


ERNIE BALL 6388 – tekstilni pleteni mikrofonski kabel XLR -XLR, dolžina 4.5 m, črna barva.

Mikrofonski kabel Ernie Ball je izdelan izključno iz visoko kakovostnih materialov, ki so opravili strog izbor in se dobro izkazali. Pri nakupu kabla Ernie Ball ste lahko prepričani, da vam bo služil več kot eno leto! Da bi se izognili koroziji, so kabli izdelani iz 99,99% brezkisičnega bakra.

Zahvaljujoč sodobni, dvojno izolirani spiralni izvedbi, se kabel Ernie Ball ne zapleta in je zaščiten tudi pred kinks and trganjem. Dvožilni kabel ohranja zvočne frekvence med prenosom signala, tako da dobite najčistejši transparenten zvok z minimalnim šumom na izhodu.

Barva: Črna
Dolžina: 4.5 m

Dodatni opis:

ERNIE BALL 6391 is a textile braided XLR-XLR microphone cable, 4.5 meters long, black color.

Ernie Ball microphone cable is manufactured only from high quality materials that have passed rigorous selection and proven themselves. When buying an Ernie Ball cable, you can be sure that it will serve you for more than one year! To avoid corrosion, the cables are manufactured from 99.99% oxygen-free copper.

Thanks to the double insulation, the Ernie Ball cable is protected from kinks and breaks. The two-core cable preserves audio frequencies during signal transmission, so you get the purest transparent sound with minimal noise at the output.

The fabric-braided cable is not only attractive. Additional rubber insulation underneath the fabric braid makes it extremely reliable while maintaining flexibility and ease of storage and use. ERNIE BALL offers a wide variety of fabric-braided cables to please even the most discerning musician.

Color: Black
Length: 4.5 m