
ERNIE BALL 4112 FLEXTUNE Clip-on kromatični uglaševalec

Original price was: 24,21 €.Current price is: 23,00 €.

Šifra artikla: P04112 – EAN: 749699141129 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Kitarski uglaševalci – Znamka: ERNIE BALL

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Ernie Ball 4112 FlexTune je prenosni clip-on uglaševalec, ki se prilega vsem vrstam kitar in drugih brenkal.

Velik 2-palčni LCD zaslon daje svetlo in jasno sliko in je razločno berljiv pod katerim koli kotom. Vsestranskost tega uglaševalca dodatno povečuje zmožnost prostega obračanja zaslona za 360 stopinj z dvema ročicama.

Tuner FlexTune podpira več načinov uglaševanja: kromatično, kitaro, bas, ukulele in violino ter ima vgrajen mikrofonski senzor.

Za električne kitare :
vstopite v novo obdobje uglaševanja kitare. Clip-on uglaševalec FlexTune vam ponuja več možnosti kot kateri koli analog na trgu. Spremenite uglasitev v nekaj trenutkih in igrajte naprej!

Za bas kitare :
poskrbite za spodnje frekvenčno območje z uglaševalcem FlexTune. Je popoln bas uglaševalec v celotnem obsegu. Ne glede na to, katero tehniko igranja uporabljate, vam b clip-on uglaševalec FlexTune v vsakem primeru v veliko pomoč.

Za ukulele, banjo itd. :
clip-on uglaševalec FlexTune je idealen tudi za uglaševanje ukulele, banja, violine in drugih brenkal. Poskrbite za brezhibno uglasitev vašega inštrumenta z uglaševalcem FlexTune.

Dodatni opis:

Ernie Ball 4112 FlexTune is a portable clip-on tuner that fits all types of guitars and other stringed instruments.

The large 2-inch LCD display gives you a bright and clear picture and is easy to read from any angle. The versatility of this tuner is further enhanced by the ability to freely rotate the display 360 degrees using two levers.

The FlexTune tuner supports several tuning modes: chromatic, guitar, bass, ukulele and violin, and has a built-in microphone sensor.

For electric guitars :
Enter a new era of guitar tuning. The FlexTune clip-on tuner offers you more options than any analogue on the market. Change the tuning in minutes and keep playing!

For bass guitars :
Take care of the lower frequency range with the FlexTune tuner. It is the perfect bass tuner for your favorite chords throughout the range. No matter what playing technique you use, the FlexTune clip-on tuner will help you in every situation.

For ukulele, banjo, etc. :
The FlexTune Clip Tuner is also ideal for tuning ukuleles, banjos, violins and more. Take care of the sound of your instrument with the FlexTune tuner.