Strune za električno kitaro Ernie Ball 3115 serije Slinky RPS Coated Titanium so rezultat najnovejših spoznanj v tehnologiji strun.
Patentirana tehnologija RPS (Reinforced Plain Steel) se uporablja za preprečevanje loma strune pri bazi zaradi posebej razvitih materialov. Vse ovite žice za so obdelane z inovativno nanotehnologijo, katere bistvo je odganjanje neželene vlage in maščob, ki negativno vplivajo na zvok.
Poleg ovitih strun ima vsaka neovia struna patentirano ojačitev iz titanove žice na bazi strune. Titanova trdnost preprečuje pretrganje strune in zdrse in je dokazano, da drži kitaro dlje uglašeno kot običajne neovite strune.
Z uporabo najnovejših proizvodnih tehnologij se ohrani svetel in bogat zvok strun, dodana pa je lastnost, ki je potrebna večini glasbenikov – neuničljiva vzdržljivost. Zato so strune Ernie Ball že več kot 50 let gavni izbor priznanih glasbenikov po vsem svetu!
Debelina strun: 010 – 052
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Da
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Število strun: 6
Specifikacije: 10-13-17-30-42-52
Dodatni opis:
Ernie Ball 3115 Slinky RPS Coated Titanium electric guitar strings are the latest in string technology.
The patented RPS (Reinforced Plain Steel) technology is used to prevent the string from breaking at the base thanks to specially developed materials. All wound strings are processed using innovative nanotechnology, the essence of which is to repel unwanted moisture and oils that negatively affect tone.
In addition to wrapping strings, each uncoiled string has a patented titanium wire reinforcement at the base of the string. Titanium's inherent strength prevents string breakage, slippage, and has been proven to hold a guitar longer in tune than conventional uncoiled strings.
Applying the latest production technologies, the firm's bright and rich sounding of the strings is preserved, only the property necessary for a huge number of musicians is added – indestructible durability. That's why Ernie Ball strings have been chosen by artists around the world for over 50 years!
String Gauge: 010 – 052
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: Yes
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Number of Strings: 6
Specifications: 10-13-17-30-42-52