ERNIE BALL 2242 POWER SLINKY RPS 11-48 strune za električno kitaro


Šifra artikla: P02242 – EAN: 749699122425 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za električno kitaro > 011 strune za električno kitaro – Znamka: ERNIE BALL

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Strune za električno kitaro E rnie Ball 2242 serije Slinky RPS Nickel Wound so okrepljena različica strun Slinky in se odlikujejo po svoji moči in vzdržljivosti.

Patentirana tehnologija RPS (Reinforced Plain Steel) se uporablja za preprečevanje loma baze strune zaradi posebej razvitih materialov – navitja bronaste žice na prvih treh strunah, ki varuje pritrditev kroglic in preprečuje odvijanje . Vsaka neovita struna ima na bazi strune patentirano armaturo iz medeninaste žice.

Visokokakovosten zvok se doseže z nikljanim jeklenim navitjem. Ovite strune so narejene iz jeklenega šesterokotnega jedra, medtem ko so nepovite strune iz posebej kaljenega, kositranega jekla z visoko vsebnostjo ogljika. Ta rešitev zagotavlja stabilnost, tonsko ravnovesje in vzdržljivost.

Debelina strun: 011 – 048
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Število strun: 6
Specifikacije: 11-14-18p-28-38-48

Dodatni opis:

Ernie Ball 2242 Slinky RPS Nickel Wound electric guitar strings are a reinforced version of Slinky strings and are distinguished by their strength and durability.

The patented RPS (Reinforced Plain Steel) technology is used to prevent the string from breaking at the base thanks to specially developed materials – a winding of bronze wire on the first three strings, which secures the twist of the fastening of the balls, preventing unwinding. Each uncoiled string has a patented brass wire reinforcement at the base of the string.

High quality sound is achieved through the nickel-plated steel winding. Coiled strings are made from a steel hex core, while uncoiled strings are made from specially hardened, tinned, high carbon steel. This solution provides stability, tone balance and durability.

String Gauge: 011 – 048
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Number of Strings: 6
Specifications: 11-14-18p-28-38-48