Ernie Ball 2153 strune serije Earthwood Phosphor Bronze za 12-strunsko akustično kitaro so kot nalašč za glasbenike vseh stopenj, tako za začetnike kot za profesionalce. Te strune so zelo zaželene zaradi jasnega, bogatega in prostorskega zvoka.
Kakovost zvoka teh strun je dosežena zaradi materiala ovoja, ki je iz zlitine bakra (92%), kositra (7,7%), fosforja (0,3%) in šesterokotnega jedra. Zahvaljujoč tej setavi imajo strune svetel zlato oranžen odtenek in zagotavljajo mehak, zveneč in jasen zvok.
Hermetično zaprto pakiranje ščiti strune pred kakršnimi koli zunanjimi vplivi in ohranja vse lastnosti in značilnosti strun.
Debelina strun: 009 – 046
Material strun: Fosforjev bron
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: 9-9. 12-12. 20w-9. 26-12. 36-20p. 46-26
Dodatni opis:
Ernie Ball 2153 strings Earthwood Phosphor Bronze series 12-string acoustic guitars are perfect for musicians of all levels, both beginners and professionals. These strings are in high demand for their crisp, rich and spacious sound with deep dips.
The quality sound of these strings is achieved due to the winding of an alloy of copper (92%), tin (7.7%), phosphorus (0.3%) and hexagonal core. Because of this composition, the strings have a bright orange-gold hue and provide a soft yet sonorous sound with superior clarity.
The hermetically sealed shield element protects the strings from any external influences and retains all the properties and characteristics of the strings.
String Gauge: 009 – 046
String Material: Phosphor Bronze
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: 9-9. 12-12. 20w-9. 26-12. 36-20p. 46-26