Učbenik V Deželi glasbe (56 strani) je namenjen učencem glasbene pripravnice. Učbeniku so dodani učni listi (20), ki so namenjeni utrjevanju učne snovi in priloga za izvedbo glasbeni-didaktičnih iger. Učbeniku je priložena zgibanka s QR kodami in spletno povezavo do glasbene pravljice Lunino kraljestvo, zvočnih posnetkov pesmic iz učbenika ter posnetkov različnih instrumentov.
Dodatni opis:
The textbook In the Land of Music (56 pages) is intended for students of the music traineeship. The textbook is accompanied by worksheets (20) intended to consolidate the learning material and an appendix for performing musical-didactic games. The textbook is accompanied by a leaflet with QR codes and a web link to the musical fairy tale The Kingdom of the Moon, audio recordings of songs from the textbook and recordings of various instruments.