"Moj prijatelj klavir 3 je s svojimi predhodniki uspešno poplavil slovenske glasbene šole in s svojo svežino ter barvitostjo navdušil tako učence glasbenih šol kakor tudi njihove mentorje. Knjiga je istočasno učbenik in delovni zvezek, kar še posebej poudarja elastičnost metode, katero nam ponujata Ilonka in Jaka Pucihar."
Dodatni opis:
"My Friend Piano 3, along with its predecessors, has successfully flooded Slovenian music schools and has impressed both music school students and their mentors with its freshness and colorfulness. The book is both a textbook and a workbook, which particularly emphasizes the flexibility of the method offered by Ilonka and Jaka Pucihar."
It contains 90 color pages.