Učbenik Mali glasbeniki 6 je namenjen učencem šestega razreda nauka o glasbi.
Učenci spoznavajo in utrjujejo glasbenoteoretična znanja ter glasbene oblike ob primerih iz slovenske in tuje glasbene literature. V učbeniku je dodanih še 20 ritmičnih vaj, 4 vaje za izvajanje ritma v dvoglasju, 24 melodičnih vaj do petih predznakov v durovih in molovih lestvicah, melodične vaje s kromatičnimi toni, 8 parlato vaj v violinskem in basovskem ključu, 12 vaj in pesmi v večglasju ter 66 vaj, namenjenih domačim nalogam.
Dodatni opis:
The Little Musicians 6 textbook is intended for sixth-grade students of music education. Students learn and consolidate their music theory knowledge and musical forms using examples from Slovenian and foreign music literature. The textbook also includes 20 rhythmic exercises, 4 exercises for performing rhythm in two voices, 24 melodic exercises with up to five keys in major and minor scales, melodic exercises with chromatic tones, 8 parlato exercises in treble and bass clef, 12 exercises and songs in polyphony, and 66 exercises for homework.