Učbeniški komplet Mali glasbeniki 1 (84 strani) je namenjen učencem prvega razreda nauka o glasbi, starim sedem ali osem let.
Raznolike in premišljeno izbrane dejavnosti v učbeniku otrokom omogočajo, da pridobivajo nove glasbene izkušnje in znanja na igriv in sproščen način.
Učno gradivo je razporejeno na 25 enot. Vsebuje ljudske in otroške pesmi (26), primere za igranje na Orffova glasbila (10), ritmična besedila (15), melodične vaje (23), vaje z melodičnimi vzorci (8), ritmične vaje (19), domače naloge (58) ter dve glasbeni pravljici.
Učbeniku je priložena zgibanka s QR kodami in spletno povezavo, s katero lahko dostopate do glasbene pravljice TRI GOSKE. Pesmice iz omenjene pravljice so poleg drugih pesmi zbrane v Pesmarici, ki je v zadnjem delu učbenika.
Dodatni opis:
The Little Musicians 1 textbook set (84 pages) is intended for first-grade music students aged seven or eight.
The diverse and thoughtfully selected activities in the textbook allow children to gain new musical experiences and knowledge in a playful and relaxed way.
The learning material is divided into 25 units. It contains folk and children's songs (26), examples for playing Orff instruments (10), rhythmic texts (15), melodic exercises (23), exercises with melodic patterns (8), rhythmic exercises (19), homework (58) and two musical fairy tales.
The textbook is accompanied by a leaflet with QR codes and a web link with which you can access the musical fairy tale THE THREE GOOSES. The songs from the aforementioned fairy tale, along with other songs, are collected in the Songbook, which is in the last part of the textbook.