
DUNLOP DBMMS45125 Marcus Miller 45-125 strune za bas kitaro

Original price was: 45,26 €.Current price is: 43,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 45125 – EAN: 710137086043 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za bas kitaro > Strune za 5 in več-strunsko bas kitaro – Znamka: DUNLOP ACCESSORIES

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DUNLOP DBMMS45125, komplet 5 strun za bass kitaro 45-125, zasnovane po željah in zahtevah legendarnega basista Marcus Millerja. Strune poznane po svojem svetlem zvoku in izredni dinamiki, ki omogoča da se vas bo slišalo tudi v največjih zasedbah. Marcus Miller je s svojim neverjetnim slogom in zaščitnim zvokom ustvaril edinstven glasbeni izraz, katerega vpliv na sodobne basiste je neprimerljiv. Marcus je že desetletja izpopolnjeval in krepil svoj tons ne le z uveljavitvijo svoje tehnike, temveč tudi s sprejemanjem inovacij in uporabo najboljše razpoložljive opreme v današnji glasbeni industriji.

Debelina strun: 045 – 125
Material strun: Nerjaveče jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: Gauges: 045, 065, 085, 105, 125
Specifikacije II: Scale Length: Long Scale (Standard)
Specifikacije III: Hex Core

Dodatni opis:

Marcus Miller, with his groundbreaking style and trademark sound, has created a unique musical voice whose influence on modern bass players is unequaled. For decades, Marcus has refined and strengthened that voice not only by cultivating his technique but also by embracing innovation and employing the best tools available. When Marcus felt the need to evolve his strings, he came to Dunlop. Starting with our new Super Bright formula, we worked closely with him to develop strings that perfectly complement his sound—crisp and cutting with a big fundamental and powerful low end. “I finally have a set of strings that clearly translates what I hear in my head,” Marcus says. Like all Super Bright Bass Strings, Marcus Miller Super Bright Strings provide lighter tension for superior response to playing nuances, and the silky smooth feel of each string provides superior playing comfort. With extra-long life and exceptional string to string balance, these strings allow the natural voice of your bass to come through.

String Gauge: 045 – 125
String Material: Stain­less Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: Gauges: 045, 065, 085, 105, 125
Specifications II: Scale Length: Long Scale (Standard)
Specifications III: Hex Core