
DUNLOP ACCESSORIES TVMSB45130 Trivium 45-130 strune za bas kitaro

Original price was: 45,26 €.Current price is: 43,00 €.

Šifra artikla: TVMSB45130 – EAN: 710137128484 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za bas kitaro > Strune za 5 in več-strunsko bas kitaro – Znamka: DUNLOP ACCESSORIES

8 in stock


Strune Hybrid Wound Nickel Bass, so oblikovane tako, da Paolu Gregolettu dajo večji in drznejši ton, so izdelane z izmeničnimi nikljevimi in jeklenimi navitji z zunanjim ovojem iz niklja, da se dotaknejo edinstvene tonalnosti obeh materialov. Plasti iz niklja zagotavljajo močne, prodorne nizke tone, medtem ko vam jeklene plasti omogočajo, da prerežete mešanico z agresivnimi srednjimi toni. Zgornji del, okrepljen z jeklom in ukroten z nikljem, je izrazit, a hkrati muzikalen.

Pod prsti so strune Hybrid Wound Bass Strings gladke in udobne za igranje. Od tona do dotika ne boste našli bolj izjemno uravnoteženega nabora basovskih strun.

»Že nekaj časa uporabljam Dunlop strune. Ko so mi prišli k meni s temi hibridnimi navitimi strunami za bas, sem jih takoj vključil v svojo opremo. Če želite dobiti popoln rock ali metal bas ton, so to strune za uporabo!« —Paolo Gregoletto

Debelina strun: 045 – 130
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: Dual Dynamic
Specifikacije II: 45w, 65w, 85w, 105w, 130w

Dodatni opis:

Designed to give Paolo Gregoletto a bigger, bolder tone, these Hybrid Wound Nickel Bass Strings are made with alternating nickel and steel windings with a nickel outer wrap to tap into the unique tonality of both materials. Nickel layers provide a big, punchy low end while the steel layers allow you to cut through the mix with an aggressive midrange. Boosted by steel and tamed by nickel, the top end is pronounced yet musical. Under the fingers, Hybrid Wound Bass Strings are smooth and comfortable to play. From tone to touch, you won’t find a more exceptionally balanced set of bass strings.

“I’ve been using Dunlop strings for a while now. When they came to me with these Hybrid Wound Bass Strings, I immediately made them a part of my setup. If you want to get the perfect rock or metal bass tone, these are the strings to use!” —Paolo Gregoletto

String Gauge: 045 – 130
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: Dual Dynamic
Specifications II: 45w, 65w, 85w, 105w, 130w