
DUNLOP ACCESSORIES RTN45130 TRUJILLO 45-130 (5) strune za bas kitaro

Original price was: 52,26 €.Current price is: 49,65 €.

Šifra artikla: RTN45130 – EAN: 710137134904 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za bas kitaro > Strune za 5 in več-strunsko bas kitaro – Znamka: DUNLOP ACCESSORIES

12 in stock


Močan attack in udarni ton Roberta Trujilla sta mu prinesla najbolj zaželene basovske pozicije v rocku. Z njim so tesno sodelovali pri Dunlop, da bi razvili nabor strun, ki zagotavljajo moč in tonsko prilagodljivost, ki jo potrebuje za izpolnjevanje zahtev njegovega strogega urnika igranja. Oblikovane po enakih formulah kot Robertov tanjši komplet po meri, a narejene posebej za močnejše nastavitve, te strune bodo vrgle dol jasen in artikuliran zgornji tonski del, kompakten srednji attack da se sliši tudi nad kitarami in več kot dovolj osredotočeno basovsko dno!

Debelina strun: 045 – 130
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Strune: 45w, 63w, 85w, 102w, 130w
Specifikacije: Core shape Hex Core
Specifikacije II: Long Scale (Standard)

Dodatni opis:

Robert Trujillo’s powerful attack and monstrous tone have earned him the most coveted bass chairs in rock. Worked closely with Dunlop to develop a set of strings that deliver the power and tonal flexibility he needs to meet the demands of his rigorous playing schedule head on. Designed using the same formulas as Robert’s custom tapered set but made specifically for non-tapered setups, these strings will throw down a clear and articulate top end, solid midrange punch to cut through a wall of guitars, and more than enough focused bottom to knock you on your ass!

String Gauge: 045 – 130
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Strings: 45w, 63w, 85w, 102w, 130w
Specifications: Core shape Hex Core
Specifications II: Long Scale (Standard)