DUNLOP 6644; Zasnova brez silikona ima dvojno nalogo, saj očisti in oživi tudi najbolj občutljive finiše in nato za seboj pusti zdravo, živahno površino, ki je popolnoma čista – brez kakršnih koli ostankov ali razbarvanja.
Zagotovite svojemu dragocenemu instrumentu nego, ki si jo zasluži, z intenzivnim čistilom Pure Formula 65 brez silikona. Zasnova brez silikona ima dvojno nalogo, saj očisti in oživi tudi najbolj občutljive finiše in nato za seboj pusti zdravo, živahno površino, ki je popolnoma čista – brez kakršnih koli ostankov ali razbarvanja.
Delo z njim je zelo preprosto – samo popršite nekaj kapljic na krpo iz mikrovlaken System 65™ in jo nanesite na površino instrumenta z nekaj TLC, da odstranite umazanijo in umazanijo ter daste čist, naraven vonj limone.
Ni boljše možnosti za vsakodnevno nego instrumentov. Narejeno je iz biorazgradljivih, okolju prijaznih sestavin, zato je varno tako za vas kot za vašo kitaro. Negujte svoj instrument z intenzivnim čistilom Pure Formula 65 brez silikona.
Specifikacije: completely silicone-free
Artikel: 6644
Dodatni opis:
DUNLOP 6644; Give your treasured instrument the care it deserves with Pure Formula 65 Silicone-Free Intensive Cleaner. This completely silicone-free formula does double duty as it cleans and revitalizes even the most delicate finishes and then leaves behind healthy, vibrant surface that’s totally clean—without any residue or discoloration.
It’s super easy to work with, too—just spray some on a System 65™ Microfiber Cloth and apply it to the surface of your instrument with some well-earned TLC to remove dirt and grime and impart the clean, natural scent of lemongrass. There’s no better option for everyday instrument care.
It’s made with biodegradable, environmentally-friendly ingredients, so it’s safe for both you and your axe. Treat your instrument right with Pure Formula 65 Silicone-Free Intensive Cleaner.
Specifications: completely silicone-free
Product: 6644