Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish je narejen posebej za ohranjanje dobrega videza vaših glasbil in zagotavlja visoko uporabnost. Pure Formula 65 zagotavlja igled visokega sijaja, ki poudari naravno lepoto finiša vašega instrumenta z neprimerljivim sijajem, hkrati pa ga ščiti pred površinskimi praskami, madeži od prstnih odtisov in vsem tistim znojem, ki ga prelijete po inštrumentu pri samem igranju.
Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish ne ščiti le vašega instrumenta pred obrabo. Dodali so mu UV-zaščito za zaščito pred bledenjem in razbarvanjem zaradi izpostavljenosti sončni svetlobi. Ne glede na to, ali svoj inštrument obesite v prostor, kjer je veliko sončne svetlobe, ali imate nagnjenost k igranju na dvorišču v svetlih sončnih dneh, ne boste izgubili žive barve in briljantnega sijaja zaključka vašega inštrumenta.
Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish je brez topil – bolje za vas, vaš instrument in okolje. Zagotovite svojemu inštrumentu nego in dolgo življenjsko dobo, ki si jo zasluži, s Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish.
Specifikacije: Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish
Artikel: 6604
Dodatni opis:
Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish is specially made to preserve your musical instruments’ good looks and ensure high performance for years to come. This proprietary formula delivers a high-gloss shine that enhances the natural beauty of your instrument's finish with an unparalleled luster while shielding it from superficial scratches, fingerprint smudges, and all that sweat you shed when jamming.
Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish doesn’t just protect your instrument from common wear and tear. Infused it with UV protection to safeguard against fading and discoloration caused by exposure to sunlight. Whether you hang your instrument in a room that gets a lot of sunlight or have a penchant for playing in the backyard on bright sunny days, you won’t lose the vivid color and brilliant luster of your instrument’s finish.
Finally, Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish is solvent-free—better for you, your instrument, and the environment. Give your instrument the care and longevity it deserves with Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish.
Specifications: Pure Formula 65 Nano Gloss Finishing Polish
Product: 6604