DUNLOP 6582 ULTRAGLIDE 65 čistilo za strune


Šifra artikla: 6582U – EAN: 710137017153 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Čistilni pribor – Znamka: DUNLOP ACCESSORIES

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Jim Dunlop 6582 Guitar Cleaning Products, #1 tekočina da svojim strunam povrnete sijaj in podaljšate življenjsko dobo strun ter jih zavarujete pret rjavenjem. Zaščitite svoje strune pred izgubo zvoka in jih ohranitev najboljšem stanju ter pripravljene za igranje in ustvarjanje.

Specifikacije: Shields strings against loss of brilliance and corrosion
Specifikacije II: Prolongs the life of the string
Specifikacije III: Play-enhancing, smooth texture of the strings and prevents slipping of the fingers

Dodatni opis:

Jim Dunlop 6582 Guitar Cleaning Products, #1 way to restore brilliance to your strings and increase string life. Condition your strings with a silky smooth playing surface while shielding against tarnish and corrosion.

Specifications: Shields strings against loss of brilliance and corrosion
Specifications II: Prolongs the life of the string
Specifications III: Play-enhancing, smooth texture of the strings and prevents slipping of the fingers