DUNLOP 6524 01 čistilo za ubiralko kitare


Šifra artikla: 6524F – EAN: 710137017160 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Čistilni pribor – Znamka: DUNLOP ACCESSORIES

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Dunlop 6524 čistilo za ubiralko v spreju, očisti in preparira lesene dele kot tudi prečke. Prvi korak v sistemu čiščenja kitarske ubiralke, ki natančno in nežno raztopi neželeno umazanijo in ostanke z vaše ubiralke, da ohrani ustrezen občutek in ton vašega instrumenta. Naslednji korak sledi s Fingerboard 02 Deep Conditioner za inštrument, ki pomaga inštrumentu zaigrati in ostati v najboljši formi.

Specifikacije: Everything you need for basic fingerboard care
Specifikacije II: Genuine Dunlop guitar care & maintenance products
Specifikacije III: 118 ml

Dodatni opis:

Fingerboard 01 Cleaner & Prep Info

Perfectly balanced for fingerboard woods and fret metals. Removes buildup from crevices to restore tone, clarity and original intonation. Step one in fingerboard maintenance. 4 oz. pump spray.

The first step in a two-part cleaning system, this formula gently dissolves away unwanted dirt and residue from your fingerboard to maintain the proper feel and tone of your instrument. Follow up with Fingerboard 02 Deep Conditioner for an instrument that sounds and plays its best.

Specifications: Everything you need for basic fingerboard care
Specifications II: Genuine Dunlop guitar care & maintenance products
Specifications III: 118 ml