Naj bo vaš komplet videti, kot da je pravkar prišel iz trgovine.
Vključuje 65 Drum Shell polir pasto in čistilo, 65 Intensive Care za činele, 65. čistilec za činele.
Vključuje Drum Cleaning Mitt in navodila za nego.
Lastnosti: Formula 65 Drum Shell Polish & Cleaner
Več lastnosti: Formula 65 Cymbal Intensive Cleaner
Posebnosti: Formula 65 Cymbal Polish & Cleaner
Pribor: Drum Cleaning Mitt
Dodatni opis:
Cymbal and Drum Care Kit Info
Includes 65 Drum Shell Polish and Cleaner, 65 Cymbal Intensive Care, 65 Cymbal Cleaner, Drum Cleaning Mitt, and care instructions.
Features: Formula 65 Drum Shell Polish & Cleaner
Features II: Formula 65 Cymbal Intensive Cleaner
Features III: Formula 65 Cymbal Polish & Cleaner
Accessories: Drum Cleaning Mitt