DUNLOP 549P1.14 Flow Standard Grip 1.14 (6) paket trzalic


Šifra artikla: 549P1.14 – EAN: 710137114869 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Trzalice in naprstniki – Znamka: DUNLOP PICKS

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Dunlop 549P1.14 Flow Picks trzalice dodajo debelino in glasnost vsaki noti, ki jo igrate, hkrati pa omogočajo, da vsak poteaz gladko in brez napora pade po vaših strunah, zahvaljujoč svetlemu, trpežnemu materialu Ultex®, širokemu kotu in ostri konici za kontrolo hitrosti in natančnosti ter daje pravi nadzor nad igranjem.

Specifikacije: 1.14 mm

Dodatni opis:

Flow Picks add thickness and volume to each note you play while allowing every pick-stroke to fall smoothly and effortlessly from your strings thanks to bright, durable Ultex® material, a wide angle and sharp tip to focus your attack, a uniform bevel that reduces string drag, and a low-profile grip just the right amount of control.

Specifications: 1.14 mm