D'Addario VENN: napreden sintetični jeziček za alt saksafon, sestavljen iz polimernih vlaken, smole in naravnih elementov trsa. Zasnovan tako, da saksafonistom omogoči prednosti jezičkov, ne da bi pri tem ogrozil zvok in igralnost inštrumenta.
Daddario jeziček za alt saksafon VENN, ki so ga razvili najboljši inženirji v glasbeni industriji, naznanja povsem novo dobo v inovacijah pihal: združuje stabilnost in dolgo življenjsko dobo sintetičnega trsa z zvokom in občutkom naravnega materjala. Da bi posnemali organsko strukturo trsa, so trs naredili z obratnim inženiringom, pri čemer so polimerna vlakna različnih trdnosti nanesli s smolo in elementi iz organskega trsta, da bi sestavili osnovne trstike. Rezultat? VENN preživi in prekaša kar koli drugega podobnega, kar se tiče jezičkov na glasbenem trgu – medtem ko zveni in igra kot vaša najljubša naravna trstenka.
Specifikacije: Ideal for: Jazz, Outdoor marching, Classical, Rock, Chamber, Experimental
Specifikacije II: 3.0+
Dodatni opis:
D'Addario VENN: an advanced synthetic reed constructed of polymer fibers, resin, and natural cane elements. Designed to give players the benefits of synthetic reeds without compromising on the sound and playability of cane reeds.
DEVELOPED BY THE INDUSTRY’S MOST REVERED ENGINEERS, VENN signals a whole new era in woodwinds innovation: combining the stability and longevity of a synthetic reed with the sound and feel of natural cane. To mimic the organic structure of cane, reverse-engineered cane itself, layering different strengths of polymer fibers with resin and organic reed elements to make up the reed blank. The result? VENN outlasts and outperforms anything else like it – all while sounding and playing like your favorite cane reed.
Specifications: Ideal for: Jazz, Outdoor marching, Classical, Rock, Chamber, Experimental
Specifications II: 3.0+