DADDARIO PW-MPC polirna krpica z mikrovlakni


Šifra artikla: PW-MPC – EAN: 019954940980 – Skupina: Kitare > Pribor za brenkala > Čistilni pribor – Znamka: DADDARIO Planet Waves

3 in stock

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Zelo kvalitetna mehka krpa iz mikrofibre, zaradi posebnega tkanja ujame tudi najmanjše delce in odlično čisti tudi brez dodanih čistil. Primerna za uporabo z vsemi glasbili. Krpa je pralna in primerna za pogosto uporabo.

Specifikacije: Traps particles deep inside its fibers
Specifikacije II: Lasts longer than ordinary cloths
Specifikacije III: Can be washed and reused

Dodatni opis:

The D'Addario Micro-fiber Polishing Cloth is a long lasting cleaning cloth for all instruments that can be used with or without polishes. Planet Waves Micro-Fiber Cloths traps particles deep inside its fibers which are 2000 times finer than a human hair. This eliminates the need for harsh cleansers. Planet Waves microfiber cloths last considerably longer than ordinary cloths, and can be washed multiple times for lasting, repeatable performance you can rely on.

  • Traps particles deep inside its fibers
  • Eliminates the need for cleansers
  • Can be washed and re-used
  • Get one for every instrument and case

Specifications: Traps particles deep inside its fibers
Specifications II: Lasts longer than ordinary cloths
Specifications III: Can be washed and reused