
DADDARIO PW-GPKIT-10 Pedalboard set za izdelavo kablov

Original price was: 72,00 €.Current price is: 68,40 €.

Šifra artikla: PWGPKIT10 – EAN: 019954944469 – Skupina: Kabli in konektorji > Narejeni kabli > Patch kabli – Znamka: DADDARIO Planet Waves

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Komplet kablov D'Addario DIY, vam omogoča rezanje kabla po meri, ki ustreza postavitvi vašega pedalboarda. Vtiči in kabli v tem kompletu so posebej zasnovani za hitro in zanesljivo montažo. Samo izmerite, režite, privijte in končali ste. Zasnova mini vtiča omogoča tako ravne kot pravokotne povezave. Vključuje kabel, 10 vtičev, izvijač in mini rezalnik kablov.

Specifikacije: Cables can be cut to any length
Specifikacije II: Excellent signal flow
Specifikacije III: Low capacitance for maximum signal transparency
Lastnosti: Corrosion resistant
Več lastnosti: Includes cable, 10 right-angle plugs, screwdriver, and a mini cable cutter
Dolžina: 3.05 m cable

Dodatni opis:

The D'Addario DIY Solderless Cable Kit allows you to custom cut cable to suit your pedalboard's layout. The plugs and cables in this kit are specially designed for quick and reliable assembly. Just measure, cut, screw, and you're done. The mini plug design allows for both straight and right-angle connections. Includes cable, 10 plugs, screwdriver, and a mini cable cutter.

Specifications: Cables can be cut to any length
Specifications II: Excellent signal flow
Specifications III: Low capacitance for maximum signal transparency
Features: Corrosion resistant
Features II: Includes cable, 10 right-angle plugs, screwdriver, and a mini cable cutter
Length: 3.05 m cable