Kaplan KV312 strune za violino Kaplan nudijo glasbenikom na profesionalni ravni kombinacijo dobrega zvoka in volumna brez primere v dveh možnostih, Kaplan Amo in Kaplan Vivo. Kaplan Vivo prinaša sijaj, jasnost in dobro odzivnost za temnejše zveneče instrumente. Te strune se hitro uigrajo in pokažejo bogato tonsko barvno paleto in vrhunski odziv loka.
Debelina strun: Srednje
2. struna material: The synthetic soul produces a rich and powerful sound.
Specifikacije: Kaplan Vivo delivers brilliance and clarity for powerful playing favoring darker instruments
Dolžina: vibrating string length of 328mm
Dodatni opis:
Kaplan KV312 violin strings offer professional-level players an unprecedented combination of beauty and power in two options, Kaplan Amo and Kaplan Vivo. Kaplan Vivo delivers brilliance, clarity, and a robust feel for darker instruments. Kaplan KV312 strings settle quickly, exhibiting a rich tonal color palette and superb bow response.
String Gauge: Medium
2nd String material: The synthetic soul produces a rich and powerful sound.
Specifications: Kaplan Vivo delivers brilliance and clarity for powerful playing favoring darker instruments
Length: vibrating string length of 328mm