DADDARIO J5912M, komplet strun za čelo 1/2, srednja trdota, sintetično jedro. Strune za violončelo Pro-Arté imajo topel, mehak ton. Manj so občutljivi na vlago in temperaturne spremembe ter se hitro uigrajo. Strune Pro-Arté so izdelane z nižjo napetostjo, da se poveča odziv loka, dinamika tona in igralnost. Te strune za violončelo so odlična izbira za čeliste, ki iščejo topel, temen ton.
Debelina strun: Srednje
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: Medium
Velikost: 1/2
Specifikacije: Synthetic core produces a warm, mellow tone
Specifikacije II: Less sensitive to humidity and temperature changes, and break in quickly
Dolžina: Playing length of 23 5/8 inches (600mm)
Dodatni opis:
Pro-Arte synthetic core cello strings have a warm, mellow tone. They are less sensitive to humidity and temperature changes, and break in quickly. Pro-Arte strings are manufactured at a lower tension in order to maximize bow response, tonal blend and playability. The perfect choice for players seeking a warm, dark tone.
Scaled to fit 1/2 size cello with a playing length of 23 5/8 inches (600mm), medium tension strings are optimized to the needs of a majority of players.
String Gauge: Medium
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: Medium
Size: 1/2
Specifications: Synthetic core produces a warm, mellow tone
Specifications II: Less sensitive to humidity and temperature changes, and break in quickly
Length: Playing length of 23 5/8 inches (600mm)