DADDARIO EJ62 10-34 strune za mandolino


Šifra artikla: EJ62 – EAN: 019954910761 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Ostale strune – Znamka: DADDARIO

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EJ62 je komplet Bronze strun za mandolino 80/20. 80/20 Bronze, originalna akustična zlitina, ki sta jo v tridesetih letih predstavila John D'Addario starejši in John D'Angelico, je priljubljena zasnova za snemanje zaradi njihovega ostrega, globokega in prodornega tona in privlačnost folk zvokov in ljubiteljev vintage zvoka, zaradi njihovega zgodovinskega pomena.

strune za: Mandolina
material strun: Bron
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Zanka
Specifikacije: String Gauges: .010/.010, .014/.014, .024/.024, .034/.034
Specifikacije II: Made in USA by D'Addario, New York, strings packaged in Corrosion Intercept bags for guaranteed freshness
Specifikacije III: Bright, crisp tone, loopend construction for universal fit

Dodatni opis:

EJ62 is a set of light gauge 80/20 bronze strings for mandolin. 80/20 Bronze, the original acoustic alloy introduced by John D'Addario Sr. and John D'Angelico in the 1930s is a popular alloy for recording due to their crisp, deep and projecting tone and appeal to many traditionalists and vintage enthusiasts for their historical significance.

Strings for: Mandolin
String Material: Bronze
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Loop End
Specifications: String Gauges: .010/.010, .014/.014, .024/.024, .034/.034
Specifications II: Made in USA by D'Addario, New York, strings packaged in Corrosion Intercept bags for guaranteed freshness
Specifications III: Bright, crisp tone, loopend construction for universal fit