
DADDARIO ECG24 11-50 brušene strune za električno kitaro

Original price was: 24,21 €.Current price is: 23,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 47044 – EAN: 019954147044 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za električno kitaro > 011 strune za električno kitaro – Znamka: DADDARIO

17 in stock


DADDARIO ECG24, sodi v recordno uporabljano ECG serijo brušenih strun Daddario, priznane zaradi zvoka, vzdržljivosti ter ostalih dobrih lastnosti, pri njihovi uporabi. DADDARIO ECG24 ene najbolj prodajanih brušenih strun, zagotavljajo lahkoten občutek, topel / mehak ton in ostrejšo tenzijo, idealna struna za tradicionalno jazzovsko igranje. D'Addario Chromes so iz nerjavečega jekla, ki je polirana na neverjetno gladko površino. ECG brušene strune prinašajo značilen dušen, toda bogat zvok, ki ga lahko ustvarijo samo brušene strune. D'Addario Chromes so najbolj priljubljene brušene strune na tržišču in se uporabljajo v jazz, rock, blues in narodnozabavni glasbi.

Debelina strun: 011 – 050
Material strun: Nerjaveče jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Brušeno
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String gauge: 011, 015, w022, w030, w040, w050
Specifikacije II: D'Addario's best selling flatwounds offers balance of smooth feel and warm, mellow tone
Specifikacije III: Ribbon wound and polished for ultra-smooth feel and warm, mellow tone
Lastnosti: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh
Več lastnosti: Plain steel/ Stainless Steel Flat Wound

Dodatni opis:

ECG24, D'Addario's best selling gauge of flatwound strings, delivers a balance of smooth feel, warm/mellow tone and optimal tension, ideal for traditional jazz, rockabilly twang, R&B and some pop/rock styles.

D'Addario Chromes are wound with flattened stainless steel ribbon wire which is polished to an incredibly smooth surface. Chromes deliver a distinctive damped but tone-rich sound that only flatwounds can produce. D'Addario Chromes are the world's most popular flatwound strings.

String Gauge: 011 – 050
String Material: Stain­less Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Flat Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String gauge: 011, 015, w022, w030, w040, w050
Specifications II: D'Addario's best selling flatwounds offers balance of smooth feel and warm, mellow tone
Specifications III: Ribbon wound and polished for ultra-smooth feel and warm, mellow tone
Features: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh
Features II: Plain steel/ Stainless Steel Flat Wound