
CRAFTER ABLE D-620CE/N NX Preamp Nat elektroakustična kitara s torbo

Original price was: 664,21 €.Current price is: 631,00 €.

Šifra artikla: ABLED620CEN – EAN: – Skupina: Kitare > Akustične in elektroakustične > Elektro-akustične kitare – Znamka: CRAFTER

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Crafter ABLE D620CE N Able Series 620

Crafter ABLE D620CE N iz serije Able je cutaway elektro-akustična dreadnought kitara z masivno smrekovo zgornjo ploščo. Kitara združuje klasičen dizajn dreadnought s sodobno elektro-akustično funkcionalnostjo, kar jo naredi idealno za nastope v živo in snemanje.

Telo kitare je izdelano iz mahagonija, kar zagotavlja topel in resonanten zvok, medtem ko masivna smrekova zgornja plošča doda jasnost in projekcijo. Cutaway oblika omogoča enostaven dostop do višjih prečk, kar je kot nalašč za solistične igranje.

Elektro-akustični sistem vključuje visokokakovostni vgrajeni L.R. Baggs magnet, ki ponuja čist in uravnotežen zvok. Sistem omogoča prilagoditev zvoka s pomočjo 3-pasovnega izenačevalnika, notch filtra in faznega nadzora za preprečevanje povratnih informacij, poleg tega pa ima tudi vgrajen uglaševalec in potenciometer za glasnost.

Crafter ABLE D620CE N je odlična izbira za kitariste, ki iščejo zanesljivo in vsestransko elektro-akustično kitaro z izjemnim zvokom in zmogljivostmi.

Barva: Naravna
Pokrov: Masivna smreka
Stranice: Mahagoni
Dno: Mahagoni
Premaz trupa: Sijaj
Ubiralka: Palisander
Število prečk: 20
Širina sedla: 43mm
Menzura: 650 mm
Elektronika: L.R. Baggs Element Pick-Up with LR-T NX preamp
Navijalci: Diecast chrome, with black buttons
Kobilica: Rosewood
Strune: D'Addario EXP16, Gauge .012 – .053
Kontrole: 3 Bands EQ, Tuner & Notch Filter
Specifikacije: Saddle: Compensated
Specifikacije II: Rosette: Wood Crafter inlay
Specifikacije III: binding: Black ABS with purfling

Dodatni opis:

Crafter ABLE D620CE N Able Series 620

The Crafter ABLE D620CE N from the Able series is a cutaway electro-acoustic dreadnought guitar with a solid spruce top. The guitar combines classic dreadnought design with modern electro-acoustic functionality, making it ideal for live performance and recording.

The guitar's body is made from mahogany, which provides a warm and resonant sound, while the solid spruce top adds clarity and projection. The cutaway shape allows easy access to the higher frets, which is perfect for solo playing. The electro-acoustic system includes a high-quality built-in L.R. Baggs magnet that offers a clean and balanced sound. The system allows you to adjust the sound with a 3-band equalizer, notch filter and phase control to prevent feedback, and also has a built-in tuner and volume potentiometer.

The Crafter ABLE D620CE N is an excellent choice for guitarists looking for a reliable and versatile electro-acoustic guitar with exceptional sound and performance.

Color: Natural
Top: Solid Spruce
Sides: Mahogany
Back: Mahogany
Body Finish: Gloss
Fingerboard: Rosewood
Number of Frets: 20
Width at Nut: 43mm
Scale: 650 mm
Electronics: L.R. Baggs Element Pick-Up with LR-T NX preamp
Machine Heads: Diecast chrome, with black buttons
Bridge: Rosewood
Strings: D'Addario EXP16, Gauge .012 – .053
Controls: 3 Bands EQ, Tuner & Notch Filter
Specifications: Saddle: Compensated
Specifications II: Rosette: Wood Crafter inlay
Specifications III: binding: Black ABS with purfling