SY-1; še nikoli ni bilo lažje napolniti svoj ustvarjalni arzenal z BOSS-ovo legendarno tehnologijo kitarskih sintetizatorjev. Neverjetno ekspresivno orodje je napolnjeno s 121 ultra odzivnimi zvoki, ki so vsi strnjeni v kompaktno pedalo BOSS, ki zlahka sodi v katero koli nastavitev. Najboljše od vsega pa je, da je tako preprost za uporabo kot standardni stompbox, tako da ne potrebujete nobenega predznanja v programiranju sintetizatorjev, da bi svoji glasbi prinesli nov svet zvočnih tekstur.
Tip efekta: Kitarski sintetizator
Nominalni vhodni nivo: -20 dBu
Vhodna upornost: 2.2 M ohms
Nominalni izhodni nivo: -20 dBu
Izhodna upornost: 1 k ohms
Zaslon: CHECK indicator (Serves also as battery check indicator)
Poraba toka: 115 mA
Kontrole: Pedal switch GUITAR/BASS switch TYPE knob VARIATION knob TONE knob DEPTH knob EFFECT knob DIRECT knob
Specifikacije: Expressive Synth Sounds, No Programming Needed
Specifikacije II: Plug-and-Play and Latency-Free
Specifikacije III: A Universe of Synth Sounds Inside
Lastnosti: At Home in Any Rig
Več lastnosti: Enhance Performances with Real-Time Control
Posebnosti: Journey to New Sonic Frontiers
Pribor: Leaflet ("USING THE UNIT SAFELY," "IMPORTANT NOTES," and "Information") Alkaline battery (9 V, 6LR61)
Širina: 73 mm
Višina: 59 mm
Globina: 129 mm
Teža: 450 g
Dodatni opis:
With the SY-1, it’s never been easier to infuse your creative arsenal with BOSS’s legendary guitar synth technology. This amazingly expressive tool is filled with 121 ultra-responsive sounds, all distilled down into a BOSS compact pedal that slides easily into any setup. Best of all, it’s as simple to use as a standard stompbox, so you don’t need any background in synth programming to bring a new world of sonic textures to your music.
Effect Type: Guitar Synthesizer
Nominal Input Level: -20 dBu
Input Impedance: 2.2 M ohms
Nominal Output Level: -20 dBu
Output Impedance: 1 k ohms
Display: CHECK indicator (Serves also as battery check indicator)
Current Draw: 115 mA
Controls: Pedal switch GUITAR/BASS switch TYPE knob VARIATION knob TONE knob DEPTH knob EFFECT knob DIRECT knob
Specifications: Expressive Synth Sounds, No Programming Needed
Specifications II: Plug-and-Play and Latency-Free
Specifications III: A Universe of Synth Sounds Inside
Features: At Home in Any Rig
Features II: Enhance Performances with Real-Time Control
Features III: Journey to New Sonic Frontiers
Accessories: Leaflet ("USING THE UNIT SAFELY," "IMPORTANT NOTES," and "Information") Alkaline battery (9 V, 6LR61)
Width: 73 mm
Height: 59 mm
Depth: 129 mm
Weight: 450 g