
BOSS KATANA 50 GEN3 kitarski ojačevalec

Original price was: 314,73 €.Current price is: 298,99 €.

Šifra artikla: KTN50-3 – EAN: 4957054520618 – Skupina: Kitare > Kitarski ojačevalci > Combo ojačevalci – Znamka: BOSS

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Katana Gen 3: Nadgradnja priznanih odrskih ojačevalcev BOSS, ki vaše kitarske ambicije popelje na naslednjo raven. Nove izboljšave Tube Logic obogatijo osnovno platformo s še večjim zvokom, občutkom in odzivom, vključno z izrazitim "Pushed" karakterjem, ki ga bodo ljubitelji "edge-of-breakup" oboževali. Aplikacija BOSS Tone Studio je bila prav tako posodobljena, kar omogoča bolj intuitivno urejanje ojačevalca in efektov na daljavo. Z naloženimi navdihujočimi tonskimi orodji in raznovrstnimi možnostmi povezljivosti je Katana Gen 3 nepogrešljivo središče za studijsko snemanje, nastope v živo in vsakodnevno vadbo.

Katana Gen 3 prinaša pet sočasnih kategorij efektov, napolnjenih z bistvenimi izbirami iz zgodovinske ponudbe BOSS. Sekcije Booster, Mod, FX, Delay in Reverb ponujajo izboljšano kakovost zvoka, intuitivne parametarske kontrole in tri različice vsake, kar omogoča dostop do 15 edinstvenih efektov. BOSS Tone Studio odpira dodatne možnosti, saj vam omogoča prilagajanje vgrajenih efektov izmed 60 različnih tipov ter prilagajanje naprednih možnosti, ki niso na voljo na upravljalni plošči ojačevalca. Ko je nameščen opcijski Bluetooth® Audio MIDI Dual Adaptor, lahko brezžično urejate zvoke na koncertu z uporabo aplikacije BTS editor na vašem pametnem telefonu.

Model Katana-50 EX Gen 3 nadgrajuje osnovne funkcije Katana-50 Gen 3 z izboljšavami za kitariste v živo. Dodani so nadgrajeni zvočnik, funkciji Line Out in Stereo Expand ter podpora za kontrolerje GA-FC/GA-FC EX.

Oblika ojačevalca: Kombo
Tip ojačevalca: Modeling
Predojačevalec: Digitalni
Končna stopnja: Tranzistorska
Moč ojačevalca: 50 W
Kanali: Več-kanalni
Efekti: Digitalni DSP efekti
Zvočniki: 30 cm (12 inches) x 1
Kontrole: POWER switch, MASTER knob, POWER CONTROL switch (STANDBY, 0.5 W, HALF, MAX)
Specifikacije: Third-generation Katana amplifier with evolved Tube Logic sound and expressiveness
Specifikacije II: 50-watt combo amp with a custom 12-inch speaker designed for stage performance
Specifikacije III: Six amp characters—including the newly developed Pushed type—plus a selectable variation for each
Lastnosti: Five independent effects sections: Booster, Mod, FX, Delay, and Reverb
Več lastnosti: Four Tone Setting memories for storing all amp and effect settings
Posebnosti: Power Control for achieving cranked-amp tone and response at low volumes
Pribor: Owner's manual, Power cord, GA-FC sticker
Širina: 470 mm
Višina: 398 mm
Globina: 238 mm
Teža: 11.7 kg

Dodatni opis:

Katana Gen 3, the acclaimed BOSS stage amplifier series evolves to take your guitar ambitions to the next level. New Tube Logic enhancements enrich the core platform with even greater sound, feel, and response, including an expressive Pushed amp character that edge-of-breakup fans will love. The BOSS Tone Studio app has also been updated, making your remote amp and effects editing workflow more intuitive than ever. Loaded with inspiring tone tools and diverse connectivity options, Katana Gen 3 is your indispensable centerpiece for studio recording, live performance, and daily practice.

The Katana-50 EX Gen 3 model extends the core features of the Katana-50 Gen 3 with enhancements for live performers. Additions include an upgraded speaker, Line Out and Stereo Expand functions, and GA-FC/GA-FC EX Foot Controller support.

Katana Gen 3 features five simultaneous effect categories loaded with essential selections from the historic BOSS library. Booster, Mod, FX, Delay, and Reverb sections offer enhanced sound quality, grab-and-go parameter controls, and three variations each for access to 15 unique effects. BOSS Tone Studio unlocks additional possibilities, allowing you to customize the onboard effects from 60 different types and tweak deep options not available from the amp’s panel. And when the optional Bluetooth® Audio MIDI Dual Adaptor is installed, you can wirelessly edit sounds on the gig using the BTS editor app on your smartphone.

Amp Style: Combo
Amp Type: Modeling
Preamp: Digital
Power Amp: Solid-State
Wattage: 50 W
Channels: Multi-Channel
Effects: Digital DSP Effects
Speakers: 30 cm (12 inches) x 1
Controls: POWER switch, MASTER knob, POWER CONTROL switch (STANDBY, 0.5 W, HALF, MAX)
Specifications: Third-generation Katana amplifier with evolved Tube Logic sound and expressiveness
Specifications II: 50-watt combo amp with a custom 12-inch speaker designed for stage performance
Specifications III: Six amp characters—including the newly developed Pushed type—plus a selectable variation for each
Features: Five independent effects sections: Booster, Mod, FX, Delay, and Reverb
Features II: Four Tone Setting memories for storing all amp and effect settings
Features III: Power Control for achieving cranked-amp tone and response at low volumes
Accessories: Owner's manual, Power cord, GA-FC sticker
Width: 470 mm
Height: 398 mm
Depth: 238 mm
Weight: 11.7 kg