Kitara N400 je idealna za klasične kitariste na srednjem nivoju. Kitara ima masivno prednjo ploščo in hrbet ter stranice iz masivnega afriškega mahagonija, kar zagotavlja globok in drzen ton, primeren za sodoben repertoar. Prednja plošča kitare je ključna sestavina za ustvarjanje zvoka, saj vibrira, ko struna oddaja zvok . Pri kitarah z masivno prednjo ploščo velja, da bolj kot ta zvočna plošča vibrira, bolj se ta kos lesa prilagaja in 'odpira', kar izboljšuje kakovost zvoka, ko kitara s staranjem "zori".
Barva: Naravna
Pokrov: Masivna cedra
Dno: Masivni mahagoni
Premaz trupa: Sijaj
Vrat: Cedra
Ubiralka: Ebenovina
Specifikacije: Carbon fibre rod reinforcement in neck to increase stabilit
Pribor: Standard Case
Dodatni opis:
N400 guitar is ideal for intermediate Classical guitar students. This guitar has a solid top and all solid African mahogany back and sides, with a deep bold tone suitable for modern repertoire. The top of the guitar is the vital component for generating sound, vibrating as each string is plucked. With solid top guitars, the more this soundboard vibrates, the more this single piece of wood adapts and ‘opens up’ which improves the quality of sound as the guitar ages.
Color: Natural
Top: Solid Cedar
Back: Solid Mahogany
Body Finish: Gloss
Neck: Cedar
Fingerboard: Ebony
Specifications: Carbon fibre rod reinforcement in neck to increase stabilit
Accessories: Standard Case