Ušesne čepke Alpine Pluggies Kids priporočamo otrokom med 3. in 12. letom, saj imajo pogosto manjši ušesni kanal kot odrasli.
Alpine Pluggies Kids lahko uporabljate v najrazličnejših situacijah in aplikacijah.
Poveča koncentracijo
Preprečuje vstop vode v uho
Pogovore je še vedno mogoče slišati zaradi edinstvenih filtrov
AlpineAcousticFilters z lahkoto namestite v uho Izjemno udobno zaradi mehkega materiala AlpineThermoShape
So narejeni brez silikona
Nagrada Red Dot Award za večkratno uporabo
Barva: Silver grey/Blue
Premer: Ø earplugs 0.28 – 0.39 "
Specifikacije: 2x Pluggies Kids earplugs
Specifikacije II: 1x travelbox
Specifikacije III: This product is ANSI and CE certified
Dodatni opis:
Alpine Pluggies Kids earplugs are recommended for children between the age of 3 and 12, as they often have a smaller ear canal than adults. You can use Alpine Pluggies Kids in a wide range of situations and applications.
Increases concentration Keeps water out of the ear Conversations can still be heard due to unique AlpineAcousticFilters Can easily be placed in the ear Extremely comfortable due to soft AlpineThermoShape material No silicone Reusable Winner Red Dot Award
Color: Silver grey/Blue
Diameter: Ø earplugs 0.28 – 0.39 "
Specifications: 2x Pluggies Kids earplugs
Specifications II: 1x travelbox
Specifications III: This product is ANSI and CE certified