
HERCULES DS730B stojalo za alt/tenor saksofon

Original price was: 49,00 €.Current price is: 46,55 €.

Šifra artikla: 7900119 – EAN: 635464453880 – Skupina: Pihala / trobila > Pribor za pihala > Stojala za pihala – Znamka: HERCULES

6 in stock


Stojalo za saksofon HERCULES DS730B je zasnovano tako za stoječo kot sedečo uporabo . Odlikuje ga sistem samodejnega oprijema, ki varno zaklene vaš instrument s pomočjo teže instrumenta, in enako naslonjalo kot DS630BB. Stojalo lahko prilagodimo po poljubni višini. DS730B je izdelan iz kovine, zaradi česar je stabilen in močan.

Specifikacije: Load Capacity: 10 kg
Specifikacije II: Base Radius: 355 mm
Specifikacije III: Folded size: 155 mm x 125 mm x 500 mm
Višina: 925 mm – 1325 mm
Teža: 1.93 kg

Dodatni opis:

The HERCULES Extended Height Saxophone Stand DS730B is designed for both standing and sitting performance. It features the Auto Grip System yoke and the same backrest as the DS630BB. Because these stands can be extended and adjusted in height, they can be made almost as tall as most humans could ever need. DS730B is made of metal, which make it stable and strong.

Specifications: Load Capacity: 10 kg
Specifications II: Base Radius: 355 mm
Specifications III: Folded size: 155 mm x 125 mm x 500 mm
Height: 925 mm – 1325 mm
Weight: 1.93 kg