Hohner Ocean Blue Melodica; Iz sproščenih, počasnih ritmov naravnost v melodični napad – in naravnost spet nazaj v mirne vode. Od Reggaeja in Funka do popa in jazza je medsebojno delovanje hitrih in počasnih melodij priljubljeno sredstvo, ki občinstvo drži na nogah in pesmi zanimive. In z našo Ocean Melodico imate popolnega partnerja za današnje poslušalce!
Barva: Modra
Specifikacije: Tonal range:f, small octave, c, three-lined octave
Pribor: plastic hard case
Dolžina: 42 cm / 16.5”
Teža: 580 g
Dodatni opis:
Hohner Ocean Blue Melodica; From relaxed, slow rhythms straight into a melodious storm – and straight back into still waters. From Reggae and Funk to Pop and Jazz, the interplay between fast and slow passages is a popular means to keep the audience on their feet and the songs interesting. And with our Ocean Melodica, you have the perfect partner for it!
Color: Blue
Specifications: Tonal range:f, small octave, c, three-lined octave
Accessories: plastic hard case
Length: 42 cm / 16.5”
Weight: 580 g