Bass strune iz niklja Fender Original 7150 zagotavljajo gladek občutek pri igranju. Ton je bogat in topel z obilico dinamike, hkrati pa še vedno ponuja čist zvok. Te strune so kot nalašč za blues, jazz, R&B in klasični rock.
Debelina strun: 045 – 100
Material strun: Nikelj
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: 45 , 65 , 80 , 100
Dodatni opis:
Fender Original 7150's Pure Nickel strings deliver a smooth feel with reduced finger noise. The tone is rich and warm with abundant harmonics, while still offering great clarity. These strings are perfect for blues, jazz, R&B and classic rock.
String Gauge: 045 – 100
String Material: Nickel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: 45 , 65 , 80 , 100