
MAPEX P600 Single Mars pedal za bas boben

Original price was: 98,95 €.Current price is: 94,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 7800303 – EAN: 6947299519209 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Hardware za tolkala > Bas pedali – Znamka: MAPEX

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MAPEX P600; enojni bass pedal iz serije Mars Hardware ima lahka, a zelo funkcionalne sestavne dele, ki so preprosto zasnovani in lahkotni za prenašanje, ki bodo služili potrebam bobnarjev, ki si želijo olajšati obremenitve pri igranju, ali pa so tudi primerni pri mlajših bobnarjih , ki želijo izpopolniti svoje bobnarsko znanje.

Barva: Srebrna
tip: Pedal
Barva okovja: Črn krom
Specifikacije: Retractable Floor Spikes
Specifikacije II: Solid Setting Base plate
Specifikacije III: Extended Footboard Length
Lastnosti: The double chain creates a more solid feel and great durability.
Več lastnosti: Newly designed high speed footboard
Posebnosti: Falcon Beater (no weights)

Dodatni opis:

MAPEX P600; Mars Hardware features lightweight yet highly functional stands and simple but sturdy pedals that will serve the needs of gigging drummers needing to lighten their load or younger players looking to make a major upgrade. Mars Hardware comes in either chrome or black-plated finish to the style of any player.

Color: Silver
Type: Pedal
Hardware Finish: Black Chrome
Specifications: Retractable Floor Spikes
Specifications II: Solid Setting Base plate
Specifications III: Extended Footboard Length
Features: The double chain creates a more solid feel and great durability.
Features II: Newly designed high speed footboard
Features III: Falcon Beater (no weights)